Thursday, January 10, 2008


Punk Science Primer

Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton

Reading this article will help put a framework on the scientific links associated with it. It is a brief summary of the book, Punk Science which should be read for further information and if scientific references are needed.

The age of science

We are at the start of the new millennium and our daily lives are riddled with technology from Blackberrys to intelligent washer-dryers. It seems that we live in an age of science, in which humanity is no longer a slave to natural forces, but can control them. It is the scientific quest of the past few centuries that has put us into this position. We have been gathering empirical evidence from the deepest cosmos to the far reaches of our own planet, to into the tiniest nano-worlds.

We appear to have a handle on our universe, enough to control its forces. People are even talking about the end of science as if there is nothing else to discover.

But back up a bit. As we peer deeper into our universe, from the gene to the galaxy, instead of finding answers, we simply throw up more questions. A confident front is presented to the media, after all scientists have to convince the public that their billions of funding are producing something important. Yet behind the façade, many cherished scientific ideas are crumbling. The universe throws up a relentless plethora of mysteries that refuse to conform to our suppositions about how it should behave.

The clockwork universe

This is one of the most exciting moments in scientific history as we are about to breakthrough into a new paradigm. For the last few centuries we have been living with a scientific paradigm without a soul, with a worldview that sees the universe as a machine made of small parts. The idea is that if we understand the parts of the machine we can understand the whole. This is known as reductionism.

Except what if it is wrong and this is not how the universe works. What if there is a lot more to our world than we currently suppose. In my book, Punk Science, I outline a radical new vision of reality that gives us a framework for a new scientific paradigm, one that turns our current view of the cosmos on its head and has implications for everything from our climate to our DNA and even how we educate our children.

Of course, I’m not going to repeat the entire book in this article, but summarise a few major points. In order to do this, I am going to focus on a few areas of science including cosmology: the science of the universe as a whole and specifically on black holes.

At the moment cosmologists are pretty jubilant because they have just officially become proper scientists. Before, they could speculate about the universe, but had no way of corroborating their ideas. Now they have new telescope data that can back up their ideas. Except the telescopes are beaming back a very different picture to they one they expected.

Using the latest techniques, cosmologists are finding that the universe is even weirder than they can imagine. Time after time, anomalies are appearing that bring the received wisdom of how the universe behaves into question.

The story so far

Let’s just recap on the story of the universe. About 15 billion years ago, the universe exploded from a tiny infinitesimally small something known as the singularity. We don’t know what banged and why, but that doesn’t generally bother cosmologists.

In the first few moments of expansion, the universe was very hot and spread out rapidly in a period of exponential growth known as inflation. Particles started to emerge as the temperature began to cool, both particles of matter and its mirror counterpart antimatter. For some unknown reason a mighty battle was fought and the matter started to annihilate and overpower the antimatter, leading to the situation we have now where there is more matter in the universe than antimatter.

Gradually these particles of matter clumped together to form the elements with their different atomic nuclei. As the universe cooled further still, galaxies, stars and planets began to form.

Eventually, on an obscure planet (third one out from a smallish star in the Milky Way), a few molecules came together and formed simple life-forms which eventually evolved into human beings able to dissect the hitherto mention simple life-forms and build giant telescopes to look into the deepest regions of the cosmos.

This story is the product of the past few hundred years of scientific enquiry. The universe seems to have appeared inexplicably with a Big Bang followed many years later by the spontaneous appearance of life in some ‘warm pond’. This process of creation and evolution, we are told, has enabled us to be able to examine our universe and use computers like then one you are using now.

The Mirror Cracks

There are just a few problems with these ideas. The deeper we look into our world, the more it seems that reality does not behave in the way we expect. I’m going to summarise and highlight just a few of these areas here.


The theory of relativity was perhaps the first major blow to reductionism. Until what is known as Albert Einstein’s annus mirabilis of 1905 in which he published papers that would affect many areas of physics and change our worldview, we thought of time as a static universal clock that remained the same no matter where you were. Einstein showed that actually time is fluid and changes according to where you are in the universe. For the first time in science, your perspective in the universe mattered.

Quantum Physics

The next body blow to the reductionist model of reality and the one that is capturing the imagination of many people at this current moment is that of quantum physics. This seemingly crazy, anti-intuitive world of subatomic particles is one of the most successful theories in science ever and is used in much of our everyday technology.

It firmly introduced the idea that reality requires our participation with experiments that demonstrate that particles behave one way when we look at them and another when we are not looking! Suddenly our own consciousness counted with some quantum physicists proclaiming that consciousness is fundamental to reality and all matter emerges from it.

This blow to reductionism however, has not been immediate with the implications of quantum physics not filtering through to the general public for many years and many physicists discounting the significance of the results for the wider nature of reality. With films like ‘The Secret’ and ‘What the Bleep do we know?’ firmly entering into public consciousness however, quantum physics as the new view of reality seems to have got the popular vote.

Biology that beggars belief

The arena of genetics is one of the prize cows of reductionism with neo-Darwinists such as Richard Dawkins firmly leading the crusade against the perceived tyranny of ‘irrational’ beliefs. It is true that biology has led us to the most amazing triumphs of human knowledge. Who can forget the iconic photographs of Nobelists, James D Watson and Frances Crick proudly standing by their DNA models, triumphant in the knowledge they had found the secrets to life?

For over half a century we have laboured under the belief that this miraculous molecule holds the secrets of all life and all our human characteristics are encoded in its alphabet of A,T,G & C. But even biology, the feather in the cap of reductionism is, hitting the same brick wall that all of science is now coming across.

The cracks started to show when investigating the very symbol of science over superstition: Darwin’s theory of evolution. It was not so much the evolution part that first started to fail, but the origin of life. A myth had been born by some early experiments that placing a few amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) together in a solution and adding some energy produces proteins that are essential for all aspects of life including making DNA. The case seemed solved.

Except nobody has since succeeded in making complex proteins spontaneously out of a mixture of amino acids; they form small chains and then simply fall away again. The likelihood of the level of complexity found in just one simple cell appearing spontaneously out of random collisions of organic molecules is incredibly small. And there are many other examples of the reality of the evolution of life not living up to the theory.

That we don’t know how life arose is conveniently overlooked by biologists who are more keen to put out headlines announcing the discovery of a cancer gene or similar. Yet even in this area, the story of biology is disintegrating.

Genome Shenome

The gold standard of biology was supposed to be the human genome project which mapped all the genes present in a human. With the unravelling of this code we hoped to get the secrets to life itself – everything that gives us our characteristics. Only trouble is, it stopped a little short. Turns out we don’t have all that many genes. We have fewer genes than a rice plant and about the same amount as all other mammals including mice. There is very little to distinguish us from other species.

Orthodox biologists are being forced to conclude that it is not our genes that make us human, we have to look to another explanation as to who we are and why we have the characteristics that we do. Biologist Bruce Lipton’s work is part of the new wave of biology that places the control of the cell in the perception of the environment.

In Punk Science, I outline how the fundamental control of the biological organism is not the gene, but consciousness itself that is imbues in all things, from the atom to the molecule to the cell and beyond. This is based on conclusions from quantum physicists who say that consciousness is the fundamental of reality. We do not have to turn to religion to solve the discrepancies in biology; by applying science from other specialities like physics, we can come up with possible solutions.

Galactic Federation

Then we turn to cosmology, which deals with the workings of the universe as a whole and the level of large-scale structures such as galaxies and stars. Until recently, cosmology was not an official science. That’s because when you are dealing with the level of the whole universe it is difficult to get definitive data to actually back up your theories.

The main story of cosmology is the one I have outlined above from the Big Bang to now. In recent years it was felt that this picture had been proved conclusively when data was analysed from particular types of telescopes that measure the microwaves present in cosmos.

These microwaves were predicted to be the leftover echo of the Big Bang so when they were first detected the 1960’s it was a triumphant moment for science and the co-discoverers won a Nobel prize.

The recent data has corroborated the story for many and cosmologists are keen to announce that they have the universe all wrapped up with only a few minor details to iron out.

But not so fast! With every telescope that beams back data from the cosmos comes unexpected findings that don’t fit our picture at all. This is enough to have caused discontented rumblings amongst maverick cosmologists suggesting a return to the drawing board on all that we know about our reality.

The anomalies are too numerous to mention here, but I’ll give a few examples. Over the coming months, I shall give more examples of this type.

Big Bang goes that idea

If the Big Bang model is true, as is widely accepted, then we ought to see a certain picture of the universe, one that alters according to where we look. Looking deeper into the universe should be like looking further back into time as the light has taken so much longer to actually travel towards us. The further we go, the more we should be seeing into the early universe, therefore we should see younger and younger stars. This is not what we see. No matter how far away, we still see a mixture of old and new stars.

There are further discrepancies between the observed and expected conditions of the early universe such as the horizon problem. If you can imagine the early universe expanding, light travels through it at a certain finite speed. It can’t reach the whole universe at once, a bit like a travelling horizon. This would result in the early universe having patches of light and patches where the light has not reached, causing differences in areas of the universe depending on whether the light had reached that area or not. As the universe cooled and further expanded, these early differences should still be detectable billions of years later. However, we do not find this to be the case. The universe is the same, wherever we look.

And that is not all. There are many surprises cropping up. The Sun does not behave as it should; its oxygen composition is unexpected, its temperature patterns unexplained. Red dwarfs are spitting out X-rays when they should be retiring gracefully as faded stars.

Many more such anomalies are being gathered by our telescopes as we speak, but is there anyway we can understand why? Seen as separate pieces of information, they may not mean much, but as the evidence adds up, it becomes clear that we need to have a new framework to place all those anomalous observations as they clearly do not fit the old story. That is what I have outlined in Punk Science – a new framework that not only fits the observations, but also makes predictions about reality. To understand this framework we have to crack open another chestnut: the speed of light.

Warp speed reality

One of the main ideas in Punk Science, relies on the conclusions of quantum physicists that have been previously outlined in this article that consciousness is fundamental to reality. This is a conclusion that is becoming well – publicised through films like ‘The Secret’ and many current books. As a result of this activity we are becoming more familiar with the concept that consciousness gives rise to matter and not the other way round.

What I am proposing in Punk Science, is that the speed of light is not the speed limit of our universe at all, but the limitation of this dimension of consciousness and that there are many further dimensions of consciousness beyond. The limit of our consciousness therefore becomes relabelled as the Perception Horizon.

The concept of the speed of light being unlimited is surprisingly not a concept out of the realms of orthodox physics. In the first few years of the new millennium a team of physicists did the unthinkable and suggest that light moved at faster speeds in the early universe. Actually physicist Joao Magueijo at Imperial College, London went on record saying light is infinite and is expressed in different dimensions.

In fact, Einstein’s theory of special relativity, that originated the concept of light being the ultimate speed limit of the universe, incorporated the idea of perspective. So, our observational perspective or our consciousness was always a part of the theory of relativity anyway.

So now we understand that our universe is not limited to the speed of light and that we can go beyond the Perception Horizon (as long as we do not have any mass) what is it that lies beyond?

Could this be the place where the missing dark matter and dark energy reside? Do dark energy and dark matter actually appear dark to us because they are higher dimensions of light that are beyond our normal perception? Are these the realms of the mystical experiences of higher consciousness that can only be experienced with the subtle bodies such as the astral? Of course, what we have previously thought to be the darkest realm of the universe now becomes the lightest; we are now ready to explore black holes.

To infinity and beyond

I am going to outline what I call the Black Hole Principle here, in what will be the new framework with which to view the astrophysics data that will be posted to this site. We have discussed how the ‘darkest’ areas of our universe could in fact be beyond our normal perception and areas of very bright light.

We are now ready to redefine black holes. Black holes originated as a concept from relativity – if a star of a certain mass reaches the end of its life, it can collapse down into a singularity of infinite mass and density. This would give it infinite gravity capable of sucking in anything around it, including light – hence the term black holes.

For almost a hundred years, black holes remained a theoretical concept, until the last decade when they have been cropping up everywhere even in our own galaxy. Cosmologists are starting to revise their picture of black holes accordingly and using the buzz word ‘co-evolution’ to describe their relationship to galaxies.

Black holes being in the centre of all known galaxies was not the only surprise. It turns out that black holes are not so black after all, but spewing out material: antimatter, matter, X-rays, gamma rays, microwaves and more. They often have a signature bipolar pattern because the material being ejected is being concentrated into two fine jets at right angles to the surrounding accretion disc and along the axis of the black hole itself.

This has proved very difficult to explain with current cosmology. Black holes are not supposed to give out material, so the jets have been blamed on the surrounding accretion disc which is supposedly material being whipped up to tremendous speeds by the black hole before being sucked down its gravity plug hole. Yet the calculations do not make any sense when it comes to proving this; we cannot easily demonstrate that the accretion disc is spewing out these concentrated bipolar jets.

Furthermore, the energy of these jets is surprising; very often they are travelling at the speed of light. What could be creating such speeds? Weirder still these patterns are not limited to the supermassive black holes at the centre of galaxies, but occur all over galaxies in black holes of all different sizes as well as some totally unexpected places including stars, planets and even comets.

There is something weird going on. Why does everything we look at show the same pattern as black holes?

Black Hole Principle

What I am proposing in Punk Science is that we have got the story of the universe all wrong and that is why, when we look at the evidence, there are so many gaping holes in it (no pun intended). Black holes are not the end points of stars, they are the creative force of a universe that did not appear in a Big Bang, but is being created at every moment and at every level from the light of infinity.

At the centre of all black holes is the light from infinity which proceeds in a step-down fashion from higher dimensions, usually hidden from our view, down to our own dimension at the Perception Horizon when it splits into matter, antimatter and other aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum. We see these particles as if they have come out of nowhere, travelling at the speed of light.

Sometimes these particles of matter and antimatter recombine and form gamma rays. This is exactly the picture that we find with our telescopes. This is likely to be the source of the gamma ray bursts that we find all over our cosmos. Certainly this fluctuating picture would fit our gamma ray burst data better than the idea that they are caused by explosions.

Not only is this the way galaxies are created, but also the way everything from galaxy clusters to stars and planets are created. Going further, atoms also show these patterns. Again, orthodox physicists such as Brian Greene have discussed the black hole atom or electron. Werner Heisenberg himself, one of the fathers of quantum physics found that the universe consists of black holes popping in and out of existence from infinity, but did not believe his own results.

Black holes are the creative force of our universe and express themselves at different levels in our fractal universe. The reason why the Big Bang data does not add up is that it never happened. Creation did not happen 15 billion years ago, it is happening all around us, with light creating from infinity in every moment in every level of the universe.

What about the microwave data that is the feather in the cap of cosmologists? Well, even that is showing some interesting signs. If the microwaves were created at the Big Bang then they should certainly not be aligned to current structure in space such as out own solar system. But this is exactly what we do find and more such anomalies. Furthermore, we have data that our own Milky Way is emitting microwaves from its central black hole. If the Black Hole Principle occurring at every level is creating the microwave background then such alignments make perfect sense.


Our current sense of reality is crumbling and our scientific concepts need to be modified. Our most cherished ideas are not standing up to the scrutiny of evidence. We need new frameworks of all areas of life, from biology to cosmology. Over the months to come, I shall be posting articles that provide evidence for this new vision of reality. Happy Exploring!

Copyright 2007 Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton MBBS, Dip Bio-energy

Smallpox Vaccination Quotes

Smallpox Vaccination Quotes
Smallpox quotes

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."--George Orwell (O'Brien in 1984)

Early (1800-1900)

Dr. Louis Parkes, Chairman of the Council of the Royal Sanitary Institute, declared in 1922: " Our freedom from smallpox, therefore, could not be attributed to vaccination. It was largely due to the preventive measures taken at the ports, to the isolation of cases in hospitals, and to the steps taken to control persons who had been exposed to infection." The Case AGAINST Vaccination By M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

This quotation is by J.W. Hodge MD. In his book "The vaccination superstition" he states: "After a careful consideration of the history of vaccination gleaned from an impartial and comprehensive study of vital statistics, and pertinent data from every reliable source, and after an experience derived from having vaccinated 31,000 subjects, I am firmly convinced that vaccination cannot be shown to have any logical relation to the diminution of cases of smallpox. Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders its subjects more susceptible by depressing the vital power and diminishing the natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated" SUBTERFUGES AND SYRINGES: THE REAL WORLD OF VACCINATIONS By Thomas Smith

Dr. Tennison Deane of San Francisco, in his Crime of Vaccination, tells a remarkable story illustrative of this truth.
Dr. Deane relates that he was summering in Northern California in the late 80's, near a wealthy ranchman who lived with his wife and seven children on a 10,000-acre ranch in a salubrious pine region, 15 miles from the nearest town and having no adjacent neighbors. With him on the ranch at that time was a negro foreman who also had a wife and five children. Until Dr. Deane appeared on the scene, none of these 16 persons—white nor black—had ever been vaccinated.
As a zealous young practitioner, very close to his medical school traditions, Dr. Deane quickly warned these ranch-dwellers of their "unprotected" state and was able to persuade six of the sixteen—the farmer's wife and three children, the negro foreman and his 12-year-old son—to submit to the vaccinating operation. "A year later," writes Dr. Deane, "an epidemic of sore throats broke out in this ranch colony which developed into diphtheria in four of the vaccinated,
among them the farmer's wife, and one child died. The unvaccinated recovered rapidly from their sore throats, but the farmer's wife was paralyzed for a year and eleven years later died of cancer."
It seems that the San Francisco physician was so impressed by this unexpected turn of his well-intentioned vaccinating zeal, that he not only kept tab on the subsequent history of the two families on the northern ranch, but watched the connection between vaccination and other maladies occurring in his general practice. He learned that the other four persons whom he had vaccinated on the ranch all died either of tuberculosis or cancer within four to twenty-two years from the date of vaccination, while none of the unvaccinated in either family died within that period except the white farmer who, he says, "died of old age."
Dr. Deane relates that for many years after this early experience with vaccination on the Northern California ranch, when a patient came to him with any serious throat, bronchial or pulmonary trouble, he made a point of inquiring into his past history, and invariably he found a back-ground of calf-pus "immunization" against smallpox. Then when he felt he had sufficient data to warrant it, he published The Crime of Vaccination (in 1913), which brought down on him the wrath of his medical colleagues, and made his professional life in San Francisco so unhappy that he voluntarily withdrew from all medical assemblages and finally abandoned all medical practice except surgery.
Hale, Annie Riley. The Medical Voodoo. New York: Gotham House, 1936.

Recent (1900--):

1909 New York Press, January 26,1909 publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states, "cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person."

Vaccine deaths when disease deaths had died out:
"With the polio vaccine we are witnessing a rerun of the medical reluctance to abandon the smallpox vaccination, which remained as the only source of smallpox-related deaths for three decades after the disease had disappeared. Think of it! For thirty years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease."----Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"A startling fact! In England & Wales in the 16 years ended Dec 1948, only 2 children (under 5) died of smallpox, but 72 died of vaccination in 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941 and 1942. 20 deaths were assigned to smallpox vaccination and none to smallpox (under 5)."--The Vaccination Inquirer Sept 1953 [Ref: Replies to Minister of Health, 13 July 1938, 23 Oct 1941, 11 Nov 1943, 24th Dec 1946, 23rd Sept 1948, April 11th 1949]

Medical opinion contrary to official dogma:
"It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated." Dr Glen Dettman.

"If people are worried about endemic smallpox, it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that's why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries, and it will not be sustained here, even if there were several importations, I'm sure. It's not from universal vaccination."----Dr. Mack

"I again like you do not worship Louis Pasteur and I consider Edward Jenner to be one of the great criminals of history."---Dr. A. Ward of the Pathology Dept, University of Hong Kong (in a letter to Dr Kalokerinos).

"One of the medical profession’s greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it simply isn’t true. One of the worst smallpox epidemics of all time took place in England between 1870 and 1872 – nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn’t work the people of Leicester in the English midlands refused to have the vaccine any more. When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers. ......Doctors and drug companies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, quarantine and better living conditions got rid of smallpox – not the smallpox vaccine......It is worth pointing out that Edward Jenner, widely feted as the inventor of the smallpox vaccine, tried out the first smallpox vaccination on his own 10 month old son. His son remained mentally retarded until his death at the age of 21. Jenner refused to have his second child vaccinated. "---- Dr Vernon Coleman MB

"It turned out that the material produced and used for vaccination contained neither cowpox viruses or did it contain the human smallpox virus, but that it in fact contained viruses which until then had been unknown and which were later called "smallpox virus vacciniae" or "vaccine viruses". This virus- up to that time unknown - has never been found in nature and is therefore only known to exist in the vaccine. At the time it was claimed that the cowpox virus had - while artificially propagated - changed into the vaccine virus. A dispute among the vaccine doctors was the result. German doctors claimed it was possible to change the cowpox virus into the vaccine virus by artificial propagation. Others disputed such a possibility and were of the opinion that the two forms of viruses were two completely different entities. The Frenchman Chaveau was the chief proponent of this opinion, together with numerous French and English authors. It turned out that these viruses are indeed two different entities and that it is not possible to modify cowpox viruses into vaccine viruses or back the other way during propagation. In other words, the claims made by "researchers" that they had succeeded in breeding vaccine viruses from cowpox viruses were a fabrication. It is with this vaccine material - which does not occur in free nature, of which the origin is unknown, which is completely unknown quantity and of which it can only be said "its origin vanishes in the darkness of the past "- that we have vaccinated millions of our children with for the past 100 years!"--Dr. Buchwald MD (Book: Vaccination--A Business Based on Fear

Health professionals:
"In Australia when a few children died as a result of smallpox vaccinations the government abolished compulsory vaccination in that country and smallpox suddenly declined to the vanishing point. Australia had only three cases of smallpox in 15 years as compared with Japan’s record of 165,774 cases and 28,979 deaths from this cause in only 7 years (1886-1892) under compulsory vaccination and re-vaccination."--Eleanor McBean

"Dr Lindlahr further states that: "The pus-like mass exuding from the Small-pox pustule contains the virus not only of Small-pox but also of scrofula, psora, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhoea, anthrax, lumpy jaw and poisons in the animal or human being from which the virus was secured.""-----H Valentine Knaggs

"We all know that the vaccinating of the children of Japan against small-pox— a disgraceful mass medication spree engineered by our conquering army’s medical doctors—resulted in putting eye-glasses on fully 50% of the race that Admiral Perry—back in 1870—reported to have the "finest eyesight of any nation in the world." --TM Schippell ND

"Smallpox was on the way out, indeed epidemics disappeared decades before the WHO decided to conduct the final "eradication" campaign. It is also well-documented that the largest epidemics occurred in the most highly vaccinated populations, while whose who were unvaccinated, did not have the same epidemics. "--Viera Scheibner

"We also hear of the noble work of Father Damien among the lepers of Hawaii, but we are not told that there was not one leper in the whole of the Hawaiian Islands before the noble work of Jenner reached them. By the nineties, 10 per cent of the natives were lepers."---Lionel Dole

"Not one case receiving homeopathic care died, while the "old school" doctors lost twenty percent of their cases."--W. L. Bonnell, MD

"Dr. Russell T. Trall, the eminent Natural Hygienist, considered smallpox "as essentially . . . not a dangerous disease." He cared for large numbers of patients afflicted with smallpox and never lost a case. Under conventional medical treatment, patients were drugged heroically, bled profusely, were smothered in blankets, wallowed in dirty linen, were allowed no water, fresh air and stuffed with milk, brandy or wine. Antimony and Mercury were medicated in large doses. Physicians kept their patients bundled up warm in bed, with the room heated and doors and windows carefully closed, so that not a breath of fresh air could get in, and given freely large doses of drugs to induce sweating (Sudorifics), plus wine and aromatized liquors. Fever patients were put into vaporbath chambers in order to sweat the impurities out of the system. Given no water when they cried for it and when gasping for air were carried to a dry-hot room and after a while were returned to the steam torture. Many must have died of Heat Stroke!"--Dr Shelton DC

"In laboratories throughout the United States and in a certain number in Canada including at the University of Alberta. the US Government provided the leadership for the development of AIDS for the purpose of population control. After the scientists had perfected it, the government sent medical teams from the Centers for Disease Control-under the direction of Dr Donald A. Henderson, their investigator into the 1957 chronic fatigue epidemic in Punta Gorda—during 1969 to 1971 to Africa and some countries such as India, Nepal and Pakistan where they thought the population was becoming too large.13 They gave them all a free vaccination against smallpox; but five years after receiving this vaccination, 60% of those inoculated were suffering from AIDS. They tried to blame it on a monkey, which is nonsense."--Donald W. Scott MA, MSc.

"As a horrible reversion to the most degraded and abominable forms of tribal ritual, . . . which ought to have been made a criminal offence after the great epidemic of 1871."---George Bernard Shaw (Preface to The Doctor's Dilemma, 1906.)

"For years past the strain of countenancing such a proceeding, so gross, reckless, dirty, and dangerous as vaccination from the calf, has been growing unbearable to bacteriological experts. . . . Nothing but the natural ignorance of the public, countenanced by the inoculated erroneousness of the ordinary general medical practitioners, makes such a barbarism as vaccination possible. . . Recent developments have shown that an inoculation made in the usual general practitioner's light-hearted way, without previous highly skilled examination of the state of the patient's blood, is just as likely to be a simple manslaughter as a cure or preventive. But vaccination is nothing short of attempted murder. A skilled bacteriologist would just as soon think of cutting his child's arm and rubbing the contents of the dustpan into the wound, as vaccinating it in the same."--George Bernard Shaw (Letter to the Secretary of the National Anti-Vaccination League, March, 1906, repeated verbatim in a letter to the Irish Anti-Vaccination League, May, 1911, quoted in the Jennerian No. 29, p. 268.)

"At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary more people are now killed by vaccination than by smallpox."---George Bernard Shaw 1929

"Vaccination for smallpox was fraudulently inaugurated and dishonestly maintained to the financial and health cost to the public which is beyond estimation. It did little or nothing to eradicate smallpox in endemic areas, has been directly responsible for thousands of deaths since its inception in the UK alone, and has sown the seeds of disease throughout the world."---Michael Nightingale

"Within my long lifetime, its ruthless enforcement throughout Europe ended in two of the worst epidemics of smallpox in record, our former more dreaded typhus and cholera epidemics having meanwhile been ended by sanitation. After that failure, the credit of vaccination was saved for a while by the introduction of isolation, which at once produced improved figures. At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary more people are now killed by vaccination than by smallpox.
Yet the British Government, against the law, has just made vaccination compulsory in the Army by explicitly refusing to discipline an officer who has had an objector forcibly vaccinated; and .the House of Commons received the news with cheers. Why does this exploded superstition persist? Simply because our education is not controversial, which means that as it is a hundred years out of date on all open questions, reforms have to come from the uneducated who suffer from the facts and know nothing of the books. .
My own education has been entirely controversial: that is why I know what I am writing about; and appear eccentric to dogmatically educated Old School Ties whose heads are stuffed with obsolete shibboleths."---George Bernard Shaw 1929

"I have thought many times of all the insane things that we have advocated in medicine, that is one of the most insane- to insist on the vaccination of children, or anybody else, for the prevention of smallpox, when , as a matter of fact, we are never able to prove that vaccination saved one man from smallpox.......I have had in my own experience one very small epidemic comprising 33 (smallpox) cases of which 29 had vaccination histories and a good scar, and some of them vaccinated within the last year. There was no protection there. "---Dr. William Howard Hay

Early (1800--1920):
"Dr. Charles Creighton, Alfred Russel Wallace, William White, Prof. Edgar Crookshank, William Tebb, Dr. Scott Tebb, Dr. William J. Collins MD and his father, of the same name, who had been a public vaccinator for 20 years and had renounced the practice, were all head-and-shoulders above their opponents, both in intellect and in integrity. They may therefore never be mentioned on the radio, nor may their history."---Lionel Dole

In conclusion, I have thus shown, I hope, beyond the possibility of dispute, that all the claims made in favour of vaccination are unfounded in fact; that it is a dangerous practice, and that it is a useless practice ; and the sooner the Government of the country dissociates itself absolutely from such a piece of eighteenth century quackery, the better it will be, not only for the health of the nation, but for the progress of true science, and for the honour and dignity of Parliament and the executive authority. [1921] Vaccination and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.

"My experience of small-pox during those six years of bedside attendance has given me the right, or rather has imposed on me the duty, of taking part in the bold and spirited onslaught on Vaccination, which is now being carried on in Switzerland, Germany, England, and other countries ... I am convinced that Vaccination is the greatest mistake and delusion in the science of medicine; a fanciful illusion in the mind of the discoverer; a phenomenal apparition devoid of scientific foundation, and wanting in all the conditions of scientific possibility."—Dr. JOSEPH HERMANN, Head Physician to the Imperial Hospital, Vienna, from 1858 to 1864: (Source: [1876] THE STATISTICS OF THE MEDICAL OFFICERS TO THE LEEDS SMALL-POX HOSPITAL EXPOSED AND REFUTED

"What, then, is the value of vaccination? We firmly believe that it has no value at all. Its supposed value has been deduced from incorrect reasoning on the part of its advocates. Were small-pox as prevalent and as fatal now as in the eighteenth century, it might even be justifiable to have recourse to inoculation—either by variolous or vaccine matter. History, however, has demonstrated that towards the close of the last century, when Jenner introduced his system, small-pox had gradually died out, as we shall presently show. Even in Jenner's day small-pox had lost its virulence."---Dr. Charles T. Pearce, M.D. [1868 Book: Essay on Vaccination]

"Smallpox was always present in London, while Sir Gilbert Blane tells us that in many parts of the country it was quite unknown for periods of twenty, thirty, or forty years. In 1782 Mr. Connah, a surgeon at Seaford, in Sussex, only knew of one small-pox death in eleven years among a population of 700."---Alfred R. Wallace

"Whether we examine the long-continued records of London mortality, or those of modern registration for England, Scotland, and Ireland; whether we consider the "control experiment" or crucial test afforded by unvaccinated Leicester, or the still more rigid test in the other direction, of the absolutely revaccinated Army and Navy, the conclusion is in every case the same: that vaccination is a gigantic delusion; that it has never saved a single life; but that it has been the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the coming generation among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age, and its penal enforcement the foulest blot on the generally beneficent course of legislation during our century."-----ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE [Book 1898] VACCINATION A DELUSION

"I have no faith in vaccination; nay, I look upon it with the greatest possible disgust, and firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and loathsome diseases from one child to another, and no protection whatever against small pox. Indeed, I consider we are now living in the JENNERIAN epoch for the slaughter of innocents, and the unthinking portion of the adult population."---W. J. COLLINS, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. (Lond.) M.R.C.S 1883

"I am myself perfectly convinced that all zymotic diseases arise from and are intensified by insanitary conditions and surroundings; that the abolition of the latter is the only radical method of stamping out this class of disease, that to put out one by a special prophylactic, while the conditions which produce all abound, is as illogical as it is impracticable; and that further, when that prophylactic is fraught with risk which, though it may be small, is yet not certainly avoid able, compulsory vaccination becomes cruel as well as ineffectual."---W. J. COLLINS, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. (Lond.) M.R.C.S 1883

"The alleged advantages of the admixture with glycerine are, that all micro-organisms, with the exception of the vaccine germ, are theraby rendered inert and innocous."--Tebb (A Century of Vaccination p379)

"Respecting the oft-told tale of diminished pock-marked faces, it is curious and instructive to quote the following extracts, the one from the National Vaccine Establishment's Report, for 1825; the other from the Lancet, June 29, 1872. The former asks : "What argument more powerful can be urged in favour of vaccination than the daily remark which the least observant must make, that in our churches, our theatres, and in every large assemblage of the people to see a young person bearing the marks of small-pox is now of extremely rare occurrence?"
That is to say, twenty-five years before vaccination was made compulsory, pock-marked faces were all but banished; whereas, nineteen years after the introduction of compulsion, the Lancet laments "the growing frequency with which we meet persons in the street disfigured for life with the pitting of small-pox. Young men, and still worse, young women, are to be seen daily whose comeliness is quite compromised by this dreadful disease." Both statements are worthless as evidence to one who has acquainted himself with statistics. It is true pock-marked faces are rarer than they used to be, because small-pox is rarer and better treated than it used to be; but so, also, is fever, and the decline of fever is simply not so markedly observed because people do not carry "the stamped receipt" of fever about them on their persons. It is true, and no one can deny it, that small-pox in London declined at the end of the last century and the beginning of this, in a remarkable way, and in nearly the same ratio as fever; but it is equally true that for the last thirty years (under compulsory vaccination) the number of deaths by small-pox in London has increased, and it is not surprising that pock-marked faces have multiplied accordingly."---William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. 1883

"Again, in 30 per cent. of small-pox deaths, (Buchanan: " Small-pox in London in 1881." Report to the Local Government Board) there is no information respecting vaccination, and how are we to know whether the desire " to save vaccination from reproach" was stronger than the hesitation to witness to transgression of the Vaccination Acts."---William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. 1883

"In 1926, 130 members of the Dallas (Tex.) Chamber of Commerce cancelled their trip to Mexico because vaccination was required as a precedent to entrance. Nearly a 100 medical men, at a conference in Dallas, went to Mexico, after they obtained permission to enter without being vaccinated. Think this over before you submit your child to this evil and superstitious rite."--Dr Shelton DC

"No fact, no circumstance, no experience supports the conclusion that were vaccination able to abolish small-pox, the death-rate would be lowered in the least, so long as insanitary conditions prevail. And, in fine, if sanitation prevailed, the very raison d'etre for vaccination, to say nothing of compulsion, would be ever­lastingly destroyed."---William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. 1883

"That fearful (smallpox) mortality destroyed the faith of Leicester in vaccination. Poor and rich alike, the workers and even the municipal authorities began to refuse vaccination for their children. This refusal continued till, in 1890, instead of 95 percent the vaccinations reached only 5 percent of the births! As this ominous decrease of vaccination went on the doctors again and again prophesied against it, that once small-pox was introduced it would run through the town like wildfire and decimate the population. Yet it has been introduced again and again, but it has never spread; and from that day to this no town in the kingdom of approximately equal population has had such a very low small-pox mortality as this almost completely unvaccinated and--as the doctors say--unprotected population!"-----By Alfred Russel Wallace

"In all Official Reports of small-pox epidemics the fatality of the unvaccinated is always declared to be enormous as compared with the vaccinated. As an example, Dr. Gayton, in a Table published in the Second Report of the Royal Commission, gives the percentage of deaths to cases as follows:--Vaccinated--7.45 percent Unvaccinated--43.00 percent
But all the medical writers on small-pox during the eighteenth century agree in stating that the average death-rate of small-pox patients was then from fourteen to eighteen per cent. At that time, however, the sanitary state of our towns and hospitals was abominable, while the medical treatment of small-pox was so incredibly bad that it is a wonder any survived.
Yet the doctors ask us to believe that now, with far healthier conditions and with far better treatment and nursing, more than twice as many unvaccinated small-pox patients die as died then, when all were unvaccinated!
The thing is absolutely incredible and absurd; and the belief in it is due solely to the fact that doctors register all deaths from small-pox as "unvaccinated" when they can possibly find any excuse for doing so. One of them has stated that "the mere assertions of patients or their friends that they were vaccinated counts for nothing."
The alleged enormous mortality of the unvaccinated is further shown to be erroneous by the fact that the published Reports of three of the largest small-pox hospitals for London from 1876 to 1879 showed that the average small-pox mortality of all patients was about 18 per cent., or a little higher than during the eighteenth century.
This may be explained partly by the fact that many of the milder cases do not go to the hospitals, and partly by the weakening of the constitution due to the blood-poisoning operation of vaccination, which, when conditions are alike, renders the vaccinated less able to resist small-pox than the unvaccinated. It has been well asked: "If about 36 percent of unvaccinated patients die of small-pox while only about 18 percent died in the eighteenth century who or what kills the other 18 percent?"
It cannot be the general conditions, since the mortality from all diseases has greatly diminished. There remains only the medical treatment. Do doctors accept this?"---By Alfred Russel Wallace

"I should be sorry to see a leper cook, and I go further than that. In vaccinating, I think hardly a medical man would take vaccine lymph from the arm of a leper infant. I know it has been our practice for the last twenty years not to do so." ---1883 Dr Henry Ebden, President of the (South African) Medical Board (Leprosy & Vaccination by William Tebb)

"The increased deaths from these five causes, from 1855 to 1880, exceed the total deaths from Small-pox during the same period! So that even if the latter disease had been totally abolished by vaccination, the general mortality would have been increased, and there is much reason to believe that the increase may have been caused by vaccination itself."--Wallace

"By the Act of 1840 anyone who gave another small-pox was liable to a month’s imprisonment; by the Act of 1853 if you don’t give another small-pox—which is what cow-pox is supposed to be—you are liable to a fine of £1 and costs. So that between the two things, as Mr. Alfred Milnes has said, "a man is about as happy as a Jew in Russia.’’ (Laughter.)"--- Dr Hadwen MD

"The lymph used was of unknown origin, kept in capillary glass tubes, from whence it was blown into a cup into which the lancet was dipped. No pretence of cleaning the lancet was made; it drew blood in very many instances, and it was used upon as many as 276 during the first day (on board ship). one can estimate the number of healthy, innocent children, as well as adults, who are inoculated with syphilis or other foul disease."--William Tebb 1884 (Compulsory Vaccination in England by William Tebb)

"The chief of the Public Health Department was clearly not aware that until a comparatively recent period arm-to-arm vaccination was practically the only method in vogue; and at the time Mr. Ritchie’s declaration was made, to the effect that none of the lymph in use had passed through the human body, at least three-fourths of the lymph in use in the United Kingdom was the variety known as arm-to-arm vaccination virus."--William Tebb 1893

"LYMPH, a colourless nutritive fluid in animal bodies" (Chambers’ Dictionary). How misleading to apply this term to a product of disease, used to produce another disease, and now admitted to be capable of transmitting some of the most horrible diseases which afflict mankind—syphilis and leprosy!"--Alfred Wallace

"We were told that there was a great smallpox epidemic coming to the land and all the children must be vaccinated. My grandfather used to say that the white man’s vaccination makes you blind and if you are to look after the cattle you must not go to the trading store to get your vaccination. Inspectors used to come and check each child for signs of vaccination. Our grandmother used to give us great pain in order to save our spiritual eyes. Grains of maize would be heated up and pushed against the skin of the child, and so when the schools inspectors came he saw the blisters and assumed the child had been vaccinated…and I noticed that school children in mission schools who had been vaccinated for smallpox or measles could not see spiritual entities at all. A flying saucer would fly through the sky at great speed and be seen by many men & women but the children who had been vaccinated would see nothing and I noticed this hundreds of times."—Credo Mutwa (the reptilian agenda video pt 1

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Journal of Degenerative Diseases - Vol 1; Number 1

Biological Warfare Weapons Development and Testing: A Chronology by Donald C. Scott

1942: Canada enters into a secret agreement with Britain and the United States to participate in a program to develop biological weapons. The principal diseases used as starting points included anthrax and brucellosis.

1945: At the end of the war the Agreement was continued into peacetime due to a perceived Communist threat. U.S. hires principal German and Japanese biowar researchers, including Dr. Ishii Shiro who had used allied prisoners to test anthrax and had conducted tests of a 'mystery' disease agent in the heartland of New Guinea.

1946: Dr. George Merck, head of the biological research in the U.S. reported in a secret memo that his researchers had learned how to extract the disease toxin from bacteria in a crystalline form suitable for aerosol diffusion.

1949: Several bio-weapons were tested at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. There were two principal classes of weapon: one class to disable and one class to kill.

1952-53: Several bio-weapons were emplopyed by the U.S. in Korea, including brucellosis. Evidence also suggests that a pathogen causing hemorrhagic fever was deployed along the Hantaan River, but it 'blew back' over American troops, killing several hundred. D. Carleton Gajdusek (see article by Ms. Heslin this issue) sent by Pentagon to help contain the damage.

1950: Canada agreed to breed one hundred million mosquitoes a month in the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, Ontario, The mosquitoes were to be contaminated with certain crystalline bacterial toxins and tested on unwitting U.S. and Canadian public. Queens University in Kingston involved.

1957: Carleton Gajdusek turned up in remote New Guinea highlands where hundreds of Fore tribe were suffering from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (kuru).

1969: The Pentagon's chief researcher asked Congress in a secret meeting for ten million dollars to develop a new weapon which would be 'refractory' to the human immune system and for which ..."No natural immunity could have been acquired." In other words, the victims would have a DEFICIENCY of ACQUIRED IMMUNITY. At the same Meeting Dr. MacArthur stated that his researchers were going to try to 'mutate bacteria and viruses' to create new microorganisms Which 'did not naturally exist'. (See Dr. Martin's "Viteria" this issue).

He again emphasized two classes of weapon: one to and one to kill. Both would have to be on unwitting victims and the tests would be by the U.S. Public Health Agencies (ie The CDC and the National Institutes of Health).

1974:Henry Kissinger wrote National Security Memorandum 200 in which he advised Ford that the world's population would have be limited as far as its growth was concerned. Such limits would require an increased death rate or birth rate.

1976: U.S. Centers for Disease Control visited most the countries identified by Kissinger as population threats and offered the populace a free vaccination against small pox. Millions received the vaccine and within five years close to sixty percent had a new disease: AIDS. A disease which, Dr. MacArthur had promised the Congressmen, refractory to the human immune system. The population who received the free vaccine had no acquired immunity to the new disease.

1976: A new hepatitis vaccine was also offered in this year to gay men in New York. Over 1000 accepted the vaccination and in five years sixty percent of these had developed AIDS.

1980's: Tests of new disabling disease pathogens somewhere in the U.S. and Canada. At

the same time mystery diseases were breaking out as far away as Incline Village, Nevada St. Lawrence Seaway in Canada. The CDC and NIH were not interested in studying these mystery outbreaks whose symptoms greatly resembled symptoms of brucellosis mutated by the visna virus.

1985-1989: U.S. sells several hundred units of bio-weapons to Iraq for use against Iran. Included in shipments were deadly anthrax plus disabling brucella agents: melitensis, suis and abortis. The latter caused "chronic fatigue" as well as disabling damage to major organs.

1991: Desert Storm Forces attacked by SCUDS. Several hundred thousand U.S., British and Canadian troops become ill with symptoms of mutated brucellosis. (See story on Lt. Richard and Gulf War Protest Oct. 13 in this issue). Allied attack halted immediately after attack by SCUDS. Possibly to prevent a second attack with anthrax armed SCUDS.

1992 to present: U.S., British and Canadian Military tell sick Gulf War Veterans that their illnesses were all in their imagination. NIH agrees !

1999: Veterans told "Pay for your own treatment".

© 1999 Journal of Degenerative Diseases

Dr. Donald Scott

Professor Donald W. Scott, M.A. M.Sc

[2001] MYCOPLASMA The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases----Donald W. Scott MA, MSc. 2001


Role of bioengineering in CFS, GWS & AIDS--Dr Mazlen

Biological Warfare Weapons Development and Testing: A Chronology by Donald C. Scott

Donald Scott is the President of The Common Cause Foundation in Ontario, Canada.

He earned the following academic credentials: BA from University of Toronto - 1952; MA from Laurentian University - 1973; M.Sc. from Guelph University - 1976.

He taught at the high school and university levels from 1957 until 1982, when he retired from teaching. Elected Commissioner of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan 1971 - 1976.

Elected Governor, Ontario Teachers’ Federation, 1976 - 1978.

Founder and President of Ontario Teachers’ Retirement Villages, 1978 - 1982.

In 1995, he began fulltime study of the scientific basis of neuro/systemic degenerative diseases.

In collaboration with William Scott, he wrote The Extremely Unfortunately Skull Valley Incident (1996) and The Brucellosis Triangle (1998) published by Chelmsford Publishing.

In August 1998, he began building the executive structure for the not-for-profit Common Cause Foundation. Now CCF has divisions in New York State, Maryland, Massachusetts, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba Provinces,as well as other executive positions including Environmental, Multiple Sclerosis, Medical Professionals and Gulf War Illness Concerns.

Mr. Scott is also the Adjunct Professor of The Institute for Molecular Medicine, Huntington Beach, California.

Mr. Scott is also currently involved in intervenor status in the class action lawsuit of Graves vs. William Cohen, DOD. The suit, filed on September 28, 1998, alleges that the U.S. Department of Defense was involved in the "creation, production and proliferaiton of the AIDS virus".

The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Gulf War Illness and American Biological Warfare. by Donald W. Scott, MA., M.Sc and William L. C. Scott (Hons.) BA

In this fact-packed study of American biological weapons development from 1945, when the US hired Gen. Ishii Shiro, who had headed Japan's ghastly tests of new biological agents upon Allied prisoners of war, until the 1991 Iraqi scud attacks on the forces of Desert Storm, the authors trace the evolution of CFS, AIDS, and GWS. Using US Government documents accessed under Freedom of Information legislation, they demonstrate that all of these emerging illnesses had their origins in US military laboratories.

Actual Government records are reproduced that reveal plans made in 1969 to create a "new synthetic virus, one which does not naturally exist, and for which no immunity could have been acquired." Other documents reveal that between 1985 and 1989, while publicly labeling Saddam Hussein an evil monster, the United States was secretly selling Iraq hundreds of deadly biological weapons, some of which Hussein employed against the Allied ground attack and stopped that attack dead in its tracks after just 100 hours.

A four page Foreword by Dr. Garth Nicolson, one of the world's top microbiological medical researchers, validates the research. Conclusions presented by the authors demonstrate how certain pathogens proved much more contagious than anticipated and have destroyed the health and lives of millions of victims.

The Brucellosis Triangle by Donald W. Scott, MA., M.Sc and William L. C. Scott (Hons.) BA

The neurodegenerative and systemic degenerative diseases, including CFIDS, ME/FM, MS,Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Huntington’s, Crohn’s-Colitis, Diabetes (type1) and others. Where they come from, why they are increasing in incidence. (1998)

The authors have tracked these diseases from the early 1940’s to the present, and demonstrate that these diseases will probably constitute the greatest medical challenge of the next millennium.

In The Brucellosis Triangle the authors, supported by extensive (and often startling) supporting documentation, much from government documents not previously available to the public, demonstrate that the fundamental pathogenic component giving rise to the neurodegenerative, systemic-degenerative diseases are the brucellla species: melitensis, abortus and suis. Brucella infection affect all the major body systems: neurologic, cardio-vascular; musculo-skeletal; digestive; genito-urinary and pulmonary.

In the early 1940’s researchers developed the technical capacity to isolate the bacterial toxin from the brucella bacteria and to reduce it to a crystalline form. Thus, they had the disease agent without the original bacteria and in an extremely virulent form. This crystalline bacterial toxin was capable of diffusion by primary aerosol and by insect vector. The pathogen was tested in Britain, the US, Iceland and Australia, producing outbreaks of “mystery” diseases variously labels “Neuromyasthemia”, “Iceland Disease”, “Royal Free Disease”, and others. The tests in the US were conducted by the CIA/Military under the supervision of the NIH and the CDC. Thus, these agencies had a most compelling reason for obscuring the historic record.

The book goes on to describe the experimentation which would lead to testing the pathogen in different areas of Canada and the US on unsuspecting citizens. The resultant new infective sub-viral organism was refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes since “no natural immunity could have been acquired”. The diseases are contagious but will only manifest as active diseases if the recipient is genetically pre-disposed, has a compromised immune system, and if there is some triggering trauma.

    Topic: Mycoplasma, Aids, as a weapon of war.
      Part One
      Donald Scott interview - background to cronic fatigue

      Part Two
      Donald Scott con't - Mycroplasma & vaccinations
      Part Three
      Donald Scott con't - HiV & Aids

The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases

The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases

Several strains of mycoplasma have been "engineered" to become more dangerous. They are now being blamed for AIDS, cancer, CFS, MS, CJD and other neurosystemic diseases.

Donald W. Scott MA, MSc. Ó 2001

Nexus Magazine Aug 2001

A Common Disease Agent Weaponised

How the Mycoplasma Works
A Laboratory-Made Disease Agent
Crystalline Brucella
Crystalline Brucella and Multiple Sclerosis
Contamination of Camp Detrick Lab Workers
Testing the Dispersal Methods
Testing via Mosquito Vector in Punta Gorda, Florida
Testing via Mosquito Vector in Ontario
Mad Cow Disease/Kuru/CJD in the Fore Tribe
Testing Carcinogens over Winnipeg, Manitoba
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Polymerase Chain Reaction Test
Blood Test
ECG Test
Blood Volume Test

A Common Disease Agent Weaponised

There are 200 species of Mycoplasma. Most are innocuous and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain) probably comes from the nucleus of the Brucella bacterium. This disease agent is not a bacterium and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the Brucella bacterium, combined with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma is extracted.

The pathogenic Mycoplasma used to be very innocuous, but biological warfare research conducted between 1942 and the present time has resulted in the creation of more deadly and infectious forms of Mycoplasma. Researchers extracted this mycoplasma from the Brucella bacterium and actually reduced the disease to a crystalline form. They "weaponised" it and tested it on an unsuspecting public in North America.

Dr Maurice Hilleman, chief virologist for the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, stated that this disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most people throughout the world.

Despite reporting flaws, there has clearly been an increased incidence of all the neuro/systemic degenerative diseases since World War II and especially since the 1970s with the arrival of previously unheard-of diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS.

According to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of America’s top mycoplasma researchers, this disease agent causes many illnesses including AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s colitis, Type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Wegener’s disease and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s.

Dr Charles Engel, who is with the US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, stated the following at an NIH meeting on February 7, 2000: "I am now of the view that the probable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia is the mycoplasma..."

I have all the official documents to prove that mycoplasma is the disease agent in chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia as well as in AIDS, multiple sclerosis and many other illnesses. Of these, 80% are US or Canadian official government documents, and 20% are articles from peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The journal articles and government documents complement each other.

How the Mycoplasma Works

The mycoplasma acts by entering into the individual cells of the body, depending upon your genetic predisposition.

You may develop neurological diseases if the pathogen destroys certain cells in your brain, or you may develop Crohn’s colitis if thepathogen invades and destroys cells in the lower bowel.

Once the mycoplasma gets into the cell, it can lie there doing nothing sometimes for 10, 20 or 30 years, but if a trauma occurs like an accident or a vaccination that doesn’t take, the mycoplasma can become triggered.

Because it is only the DNA particle of the bacterium, it doesn’t have any organelles to process its own nutrients, so it grows by uptaking pre-formed sterols from its host cell and it literally kills the cell; the cell ruptures and what is left gets dumped into the bloodstream.

A Laboratory-Made Disease Agent

Many doctors don’t know about this mycoplasma disease agent because it was developed by the US military in biological warfare experimentation and it was not made public. This pathogen was patented by the United States military and Dr Shyh-Ching Lo. I have a copy of the documented patent from the US Patent Office.(1)

All the countries at war were experimenting with biological weapons. In 1942, the governments of the United States, Canada and Britain entered into a secret agreement to create two types of biological weapons (one that would kill, and one that was disabling) for use in the war against Germany and Japan, who were also developing biological weapons. While they researched a number or disease pathogens, they primarily focused on the Brucella bacterium and began to weaponise it.

From its inception, the biowarfare program was characterised by continuing in-depth review and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officials, and it was classified Top Secret.

The US Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponising these diseases. These are diseases that have existed for thousands of years, but they have been weaponised—which means they’ve been made more contagious and more effective. And they are spreading.

The Special Virus Cancer Program, created by the CIA and NIH to develop a deadly pathogen for which humanity had no natural immunity (AIDS), was disguised as a war on cancer but was actually part of MKNAOMI.2 Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives do not know what has been going on. For example, the US Senate Committee on Government Reform had searched the archives in Washington and other places for the document titled "The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8", and couldn’t find it. Somehow they heard I had it, called me and asked me to mail it to them. Imagine: a retired schoolteacher being called by the United States Senate and asked for one of their secret documents! The US Senate, through the Government Reform Committee, is trying to stop this type of government research.

Crystalline Brucella

The title page of a genuine US Senate Study, declassified on February 24, 1977, shows that George Merck, of the pharmaceutical company, Merck Sharp & Dohme (which now makes cures for diseases that at one time it created), reported in 1946 to the US Secretary of War that his researchers had managed "for the first time" to "isolate the disease agent in crystalline form".3

They had produced a crystalline bacterial toxin extracted from the Brucella bacterium. The bacterial toxin could be removed in crystalline form and stored, transported and deployed without deteriorating. It could be delivered by other vectors such as insects, aerosol or the food chain (in nature it is delivered within the bacterium). But the factor that is working in the Brucella is the mycoplasma.

Brucella is a disease agent that doesn’t kill people; it disables them. But, according to Dr Donald MacArthur of the Pentagon, appearing before a congressional committee in 1969,(4) researchers found that if they had mycoplasma at a certain strength—actually, 10 to the 10th power—it would develop into AIDS, and the person would die from it within a reasonable period of time because it could bypass the natural human defences. If the strength was 10 to 8, the person would manifest with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. If it was l0 to 7, they would present as wasting; they wouldn’t die and they wouldn’t be disabled, but they would not be very interested in life; they would waste away.

Most of us have never heard of the disease brucellosis because it largely disappeared when they began pasteurising milk, which was the carrier. One salt shaker of the pure disease agent in a crystalline form could sicken the entire population of Canada. It is absolutely deadly, not so much in terms of killing the body but disabling it.

Because the crystalline disease agent goes into solution in the blood, ordinary blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence. The mycoplasma will only crystallise at 8.1 pH, and the blood has a pH of 7.4 pH. So the doctor thinks your complaint is "all in your head".

Crystalline Brucella and Multiple Sclerosis

In 1998 in Rochester, New York, I met a former military man, PFC Donald Bentley, who gave me a document and told me: "I was in the US Army, and I was trained in bacteriological warfare. We were handling a bomb filled with brucellosis, only it wasn’t brucellosis; it was a Brucella toxin in crystalline form. We were spraying it on the Chinese and North Koreans."

He showed me his certificate listing his training in chemical, biological and radiological warfare. Then he showed me 16 pages of documents given to him by the US military when he was discharged from the service. They linked brucellosis with multiple sclerosis, and stated in one section: "Veterans with multiple sclerosis, a kind of creeping paralysis developing to a degree of 10% or more disability within two years after separation from active service, may be presumed to be service-connected for disability compensation. Compensation is payable to eligible veterans whose disabilities are due to service." In other words: "If you become ill with multiple sclerosis, it is because you were handling this Brucella, and we will give you a pension. Don’t go raising any fuss about it." In these documents, the government of the United States revealed evidence of the cause of multiple sclerosis, but they didn’t make it known to the public—or to your doctor.

In a 1949 report, Drs Kyger and Haden suggested "the possibility that multiple sclerosis might be a central nervous system manifestation of chronic brucellosis". Testing approximately 113 MS patients, they found that almost 95% also tested positive for Brucella.(5) We have a document from a medical journal, which concludes that one out of 500 people who had brucellosis would develop what they call neurobrucellosis; in other words, brucellosis in the brain, where the Brucella settles in the lateral ventrides—where the disease multiple sclerosis is basically located.6

Contamination of Camp Detrick Lab Workers
A 1948 New England Journal of Medicine report titled "Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers" shows us how actively dangerous this agent is.7 The laboratory workers were from Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, where they were developing biological weapons. Even though these workers had been vaccinated, wore rubberised suits and masks and worked through holes in the compartment, many of them came down with this awful disease because it is so absolutely and terrifyingly infectious.

The article was written by Lt Calderone Howell, Marine Corps Captain Edward Miller, Marine Corps, Lt Emily Kelly, United States Naval Reserve; and Captain Henry Bookman. They were all military personnel engaged in making the disease agent Brucella into a more effective biological weapon


Testing the Dispersal Methods
Documented evidence proves that the biological weapons they were developing were tested on the public in various communities without their knowledge or consent.

The government knew that crystalline Brucella would cause disease in humans. Now they needed to determine how it would spread and the best way to disperse it. They tested dispersal methods for Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, in June and September 1952. Probably, 100% of us now are infected with Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis.(8)

Another government document recommended the genesis of open-air vulnerability tests and covert research and development programs to be conducted by the Army and supported by the Central Intelligence Agency.

At that time, the Government of Canada was asked by the US Government to cooperate in testing weaponised Brucella, and Canada cooperated fully with the United States. The US Government wanted to determine whether mosquitoes would carry the disease and also if the air would carry it. A government report stated that "open-air testing of infectious biological agents is considered essential to an ultimate understanding of biological warfare potentialities because of the many unknown factors affecting the degradation of micro-organisms in the atmosphere".9

Testing via Mosquito Vector in Punta Gorda, Florida
A report from The New England Journal of Medicine reveals that one of the first outbreaks of chronic fatigue syndrome was in Punta Gorda, Florida, back in 1957.(10) It was a strange coincidence that a week before these people came down with chronic fatigue syndrome, there was a huge influx of mosquitoes.

The National Institutes of Health claimed that the mosquitoes came from a forest fire 30 miles away. The truth is that those mosquitoes were infected in Canada by Dr Guilford B. Reed at Queen’s University. They were bred in Belleville, Ontario, and taken down to Punta Gorda and released there.

Within a week, the first five cases ever of chronic fatigue syndrome were reported to the local clinic in Punta Gorda. The cases kept coming until finally 450 people were ill with the disease.

Testing via Mosquito Vector in Ontario
The Government of Canada had established the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, Ontario, where it raised 100 million mosquitoes a month. These were shipped to Queen’s University and certain other facilities to be infected with this crystalline disease agent The mosquitoes were then let loose in certain communities in the middle of the night, so that the researchers could determine how many people would become ill with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, which was the first disease to show.

One of the communities they tested it on was the St Lawrence Seaway valley, all the way from Kingston to Cornwall, in 1984. They let out hundreds of millions of infected mosquitoes. Over 700 people in the next four or five weeks developed myalgic encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome.


Mad Cow Disease/Kuru/CJD in the Fore Tribe
Before and during World War II, at the infamous Camp 731 in Manchuria, the Japanese military contaminated prisoners of war with certain disease agents.

They also established a research camp in New Guinea in 1942. There they experimented upon the Fore Indian tribe and inoculated them with a minced-up version of the brains of diseased sheep containing the visna virus which causes "mad cow disease" or Creutzfeldt—Jakob disease.

About five or six years later, after the Japanese had been driven out, the poor people of the Fore tribe developed what they called kuru, which was their word for "wasting", and they began to shake, lose their appetites and die. The autopsies revealed that their brains had literally turned to mush. They had contracted "mad cow disease" from the Japanese experiments.

When World War II ended, Dr Ishii Shiro—the medical doctor who was commissioned as a General in the Japanese Army so he could take command of Japan’s biological warfare development, testing and deployment—was captured. He was given the choice of a job with the United States Army or execution as a war criminal. Not surprisingly, Dr Ishii Shiro chose to work with the US military to demonstrate how the Japanese had created mad cow disease in the Fore Indian tribe.

In 1957, when the disease was beginning to blossom in full among the Fore people, Dr Carleton Gajdusek of the US National Institutes of Health headed to New Guinea to determine how the minced-up brains of the visna-infected sheep affected them. He spent a couple of years there, studying the Fore people, and wrote an extensive report. He won the Nobel Prize for "discovering" kuru disease in the Fore tribe.

Testing Carcinogens over Winnipeg, Manitoba
In 1953, the US Government asked the Canadian Government if it could test a chemical over the city of Winnipeg. It was a big city with 500,000 people, miles from anywhere. The American military sprayed this carcinogenic chemical in a 1,000%-attenuated form, which they said would be so watered down that nobody would get very sick; however, if people came to clinics with a sniffle, a sore throat or ringing in their ears, the researchers would be able to determine what percentage would have developed cancer if the chemical had been used at full strength.

We located evidence that the Americans had indeed tested this carcinogenic chemical—zinc cadmium sulphide—over Winnipeg in 1953. We wrote to the Government of Canada, explaining that we had solid evidence of the spraying and asking that we be informed as to how high up in the government the request for permission to spray had gone. We did not receive a reply.

Shortly after, the Pentagon held a press conference on May 14, 1997, where they admitted what they had done. Robert Russo, writing for the Toronto Star11 from Washington, DC, reported the Pentagon’s admission that in 1953 it had obtained permission from the Canadian Government to fly over the city of Winnipeg and spray out this chemical—which sifted down on kids going to school, housewives hanging out their laundry and people going to work. US Army planes and trucks released the chemical 36 times between July and August 1953. The Pentagon got its statistics, which indicated that if the chemical released had been full strength, approximately a third of the population of Winnipeg would have developed cancers over the next five years.

One professor, Dr Hugh Fudenberg, MD, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, wrote a magazine article stating that the Pentagon came clean on this because two researchers in Sudbury, Ontario—Don Scott and his son, Bill Scott—had been revealing this to the public. However, the legwork was done by other researchers!

The US Army actually conducted a series of simulated germ warfare tests over Winnipeg. The Pentagon lied about the tests to the mayor, saying that they were testing a chemical fog over the city, which would protect Winnipeg in the event of a nuclear attack.

A report commissioned by US Congress, chaired by Dr Rogene Henderson, lists 32 American towns and cities used as test sites as well.


The AIDS pathogen was created out of a Brucella bacterium mutated with a visna virus; then the toxin was removed as a DNA particle called a mycoplasma. They used the same mycoplasma to develop disabling diseases like MS, Crohn’s colitis, Lyme disease, etc.

In the previously mentioned US congressional document of a meeting held on June 9, 1969, (12) the Pentagon delivered a report to Congress about biological weapons. The Pentagon stated: "We are continuing to develop disabling weapons." Dr MacArthur, who was in charge of the research, said: "We are developing a new lethal weapon, a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist, and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired."

Think about it. If you have a deficiency of acquired immunity, you have an acquired immunity deficiency. Plain as that. AIDS.

In laboratories throughout the United States and in a certain number in Canada including at the University of Alberta. the US Government provided the leadership for the development of AIDS for the purpose of population control. After the scientists had perfected it, the government sent medical teams from the Centers for Disease Control-under the direction of Dr Donald A. Henderson, their investigator into the 1957 chronic fatigue epidemic in Punta Gorda—during 1969 to 1971 to Africa and some countries such as India, Nepal and Pakistan where they thought the population was becoming too large.13 They gave them all a free vaccination against smallpox; but five years after receiving this vaccination, 60% of those inoculated were suffering from AIDS. They tried to blame it on a monkey, which is nonsense.

A professor at the University of Arkansas made the claim that while studying the tissues of a dead chimpanzee she found traces of HIV. The chimpanzee that she had tested was born in the United States 23 years earlier. It had lived its entire life in a US military laboratory where it was used as an experimental animal in the development of these diseases. When it died, its body was shipped to a storage place where it was deep-frozen and stored in case they wanted to analyse it later. Then they decided that they didn’t have enough space for it, so they said, "Anybody want this dead chimpanzee?" and this researcher from Arkansas said: "Yes. Send it down to the University of Arkansas. We are happy to get anything we can get." They shipped it down and she found HIV in it. That virus was acquired by that chimpanzee in the laboratories where it was tested.14

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Chronic fatigue syndrome is more accurately called myalgic encephalomyelitis. The chronic fatigue syndrome nomenclature was given by the US National Institutes of Health because it wanted to downgrade and belittle the disease.

An MRI scan of the brain of a teenage girl with chronic fatigue syndrome displayed a great many scars or punctate lesions in the left frontal lobe area where portions of the brain had literally dissolved and been replaced by scar tissue. This caused cognitive impairment, memory impairment, etc. And what was the cause of the scarring? The mycoplasma. So there is very concrete physical evidence of these tragic diseases, even though doctors continue to say they don’t know where it comes from or what they can do about it.

Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalo-myelitis and fibromyalgia who apply to the Canada Pensions Plan Review Tribunal will be turned down because they cannot prove that they are ill. During 1999 I conducted several appeals to Canada Pensions and the Workers Compensation Board (WCB, now the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) on behalf of people who have been turned down. I provided documented evidence of these illnesses, and these people were all granted their pensions on the basis of the evidence that I provided.

In March 1999, for example, I appealed to the WCB on behalf of a lady with flbromya1gia who had been, denied her pension back in 1993. The vice-chairman of the board came to Sudbury to hear the appeal, and I showed him a number of documents which proved that this lady was physically ill with fibromyalgia. It was a disease that caused physical damage, and the disease agent was a mycoplasma. The guy listened for three hours, and then he said to me: "Mr Scott, how is it I have never heard of any of this before? I said: "We brought a top authority in this area into Sudbury to speak on this subject and not a single solitary doctor came to that presentation."


Polymerase Chain Reaction Test
Information is not generally available about this agent because, first of all, the mycoplasma is such a minutely small disease agent. A hundred years ago, certain medical theoreticians conceived that there must be a form or disease agent smaller than bacteria and viruses. This pathogenic organism, the mycoplasma, is so minute that normal blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence as the source of the disease.

Your doctor may diagnose you with Alzheimer’s disease, and he will say:

"Golly, we don’t know where Alzheimer’s comes from. All we know is that your brain begins to deteriorate, cells rupture, the myelin sheath around the nerves dissolves, and so on." Or if you have chronic fatigue syndrome, the doctor will not be able to find any cause for your illness with ordinary blood and tissue tests.

This mycoplasma couldn’t be detected until about 30 years ago when the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was developed, in which a sample of your blood is examined and damaged particles are removed and subjected to a polymerase chain reaction. This causes the DNA in the particles to break down. The particles are then placed in a nutrient, which causes the DNA to grow back into its original form. If enough of the substance is produced, the form can be recognised, so it can be determined whether Brucella or another kind of agent is behind that particular mycoplasma.

Blood Test
If you or anybody in your family has myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s, you can send a blood sample to Dr Les Simpson in New Zealand for testing.

If you are ill with these diseases, your red blood cells will not be normal doughnut-shaped blood cells capable of being compressed and squeezed through the capillaries, but will swell up like cherry-filled doughnuts which cannot be compressed. The blood cells become enlarged and distended because the only way the mycoplasma can exist is by uptaking pre-formed sterols from the host cell. One of the best sources of pre-formed sterols is cholesterol, and cholesterol is what gives your blood cells flexibility. If the cholesterol is taken out by the mycoplasma, the red blood cell swells up and doesn’t go through, and the person begins to feel all the aches and pains and all the damage it causes to the brain, the heart, the stomach, the feet and the whole body because blood and oxygen are cut off.

And that is why people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have such a terrible time. When the blood is cut off from the brain, punctate lesions appear because those parts of the brain die. The mycoplasma will get into portions of the heart muscle, especially the left ventricle, and those cells will die. Certain people have cells in the lateral ventricles of the brain that have a genetic predisposition to admit the mycoplasma, and this causes the lateral ventricles to deteriorate and die. This leads to multiple sclerosis, which will progress until these people are totally disabled; frequently, they die prematurely. The mycoplasma will get into the lower bowel, parts of which will die, thus causing colitis. All of these diseases are caused by the degenerating properties of the mycoplasma.

In early 2000, a gentleman in Sudbury phoned me and told me he had fibromyalgia. He applied for a pension and was turned down because his doctor said it was all in his head and there was no external evidence. I gave him the proper form and a vial, and he sent his blood to Dr Simpson to be tested. He did this with his family doctor’s approval, and the results from Dr Simpson showed that only 4% of his red blood cells were functioning normally and carrying the appropriate amount of oxygen to his poor body, whereas 83% were distended, enlarged and hardened, and wouldn’t go through the capillaries without an awful lot of pressure and trouble. This is the physical evidence of the damage that is done.

ECG Test
You can also ask your doctor to give you a 24-hour Holter ECG. You know, of course, that an electrocardiogram is a measure of your heartbeat and shows what is going on in the right ventricle, the left ventricle and so on. Tests show that 100% of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have an irregular heartbeat. At various periods during the 24 hours, the heart, instead of working happily away going "bump-BUMP, bump-BUMP", every now and again goes "buhbuhbuhbuhbubbuhbuhbuhbuh". The T-wave (the waves are called P, Q, R, S and T) is normally a peak, and then the wave levels off and starts with the P-wave again. In chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients, the T-wave flattens off, or actually inverts. That means the blood in the left ventricle is not being squeezed up through the aorta and around through the body.

My client from Sudbury had this test done and, lo and behold, the results stated: "The shape of T and S-T suggests left ventricle strain pattern, although voltage and so on is normal." The doctor had no clue as to why the T-wave was not working properly. I analysed the report of this patient who had been turned down by Canada Pensions and sent it back to them. They wrote back, saying: "It looks like we may have made a mistake. We are going to give you a hearing and you can explain this to us in more detail."

So it is not all in your imagination. There is actual physical damage to the heart. The left ventricle muscles do show scarring.

That is way many people are diagnosed with a heart condition when they first develop fibromyalgia, but it’s only one of several problems because the mycoplasma can do all kinds of damage.

Blood Volume Test
You can also ask your doctor for a blood volume test. Every human being requires a certain amount of blood per pound of body weight, and it has been observed that people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis and other illnesses do not have the normal blood volume their body needs to function properly. Doctors aren’t normally aware of this.

This test measures the amount of blood in the human body by taking out 5 cc, putting a tracer in it and then putting it back into the body. One hour later, take out 5 cc again and look for the tracer. The thicker the blood and the lower the blood volume, the more tracer you will find.

The analysis of one of my clients stated: "This patient was referred for red cell mass study. The red cell volume is 16.9 ml per kg of body weight. The normal range is 25 to 35 ml per kg. This guy has 36% less blood in his body than the body needs to function." And the doctor hadn’t even known the test existed.

If you lost 36% of your blood in an accident, do you think your doctor would tell you that you are allright and should just take up line dancing and get over it? They would rush you to the nearest hospital and start transfusing you with blood. These tragic people with these awful diseases are functioning with anywhere from 7% to 50% less blood than their body needs to function.


The body undoes the damage itself. The scarring in the brain of people with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia will be repaired. There is cellular repair going on all the time. But the mycoplasma has moved on to the next cell.

In the early stages of a disease, doxycydine may reverse that disease process. It is one of the tetracycline antibiotics, but it is not bactericidal; it is bacteriostatic—it stops the growth of the mycoplasma. And if the mycoplasma growth can be stopped for long enough, then the immune system takes over.

Doxycycline treatment is discussed in a paper by mycoplasma expert Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, of the Institute for Molecular Medicine." Dr Nicholson is involved in a US$8 million mycoplasma research program funded by the US military and headed by Dr Charles Engel of the NIH. The program is studying Gulf War veterans, 450 of them, because there is evidence to suggest that Gulf War syndrome is another illness (or set of illnesses) caused by mycoplasma.

1. "Pathogenic Mycoplasma", US Patent No. 5,242,820, issued September 7, 1993. Dr Lo is listed as the Inventor" and the American Registry of Pathology, Washington, DC, is listed as the "Assignee".
2. "Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8", prepared by the National Cancer Institute, Viral Oncology, Etiology Area, July 1971, submitted to NIH Annual Report in May 1971 and updated July 1971.
3. US Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense, 1977; released as US Army Activities in the US Biological Warfare Programs, Volumes One and Two, 24 February 1977.
4. Dr Donald MacArthur, Pentagon, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Hearings before Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-First Congress, First Session, Monday June 9, 1969, pp 105—144, esp. pp. 114, 129.
5. Kyger, E. R. and Russell L. Haden, "Brucellosis and Multiple Sclerosis", The American journal of Medical Sciences 1949:689-693.
6. Colmonero et al., "Complications Associated with Brucella melitensis Infection: A Study of 530 Cases", Medicine 1996;75(4).
7. Howell, Miller, Kelly and Bookman, "Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers", New England Journal of Medicine 1948;236:741.
8. "Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8", ibid., table 4, p. 135.
9. US Senate, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, March 8 and May 23, 1977, ibid.
10. New England journal of Medicine, August 22, 1957, p. 362.
11. Toronto Star, May 15, 1997.
12. Dr Donald MacArthur, Pentagon, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Hearings, Monday June 9, 1969, ibid., p.129.
13. Henderson, Donald A., "Smallpox: Epitaph for a Killer", National Geographic, December 1978, p. 804.
14. Blum, Deborah, The Monkey Wars, Oxford University Press, New York, 1994.
15. Nicholson, G. 1., "Doxycycline treatment and Desert Storm", JAMA 1995;273:61 8-619.

Recommended Reading

Horowitz, Leonard, Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola, Tetrahedron Publishing, USA, 1996.
• Johnson, Hillary, Osler’s Web, Crown Publishers, New York, 1996.
• Scott, Donald W. and William L. C. Scott, The Brucellosis Triangle, The Chelmsford Publishers (Box 133, Stat. B., Sudbury, Ontario P3E 4N5), Canada, 1998 (US$21.95 + $3 s&h in US).
• Scott, Donald W. and William 1. C. Scott, The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident, The Chelmsford Publishers, Canada, 1996 (revised, extended edition available from mid-September 2001; US$16.00 pre-pub. Price + US$3 s&h in US).
•The journal of Degenerative Diseases (Donald W. Scott, Editor), The Common Cause Medical Research Foundation (Box 133, Stat B., Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 4N5), Canada (quarterly journal; annual subscription: US$25.00 in USA, $30 foreign).

Additional Contacts
• Ms Jennie Burke, Australian Biologics, Level 6, 383 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia tel +61 (0)2 9283 0807, fax +61 (0)2 9283 0910. Australian Biologics does tests for mycoplasma.
• Consumer Health Organization of Canada, 1220 Sheppard Avenue East #412, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2K 255, tel +1 (416)490 0986, website
• Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, Institute for Molecular Medicine, 15162 Triton Lane, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649-1401, USA, tel +1(714) 903 2900.
• Dr Les Simpson, Red Blood Cell Research Ltd, 31 Bath Street, Dunedin, 9001, New Zealand, tel +64 (0)3 471 8540, email . (Note: Dr Simpson directs his study to red cell shape analysis, not the mycoplasrna hypothesis.)
• The Mycoplasma Registry for Gulf War Illness, S. & 1. Dudley, 303 47th St, J-10 San Diego, CA 92102-5961, tel/fax +1(619) 266 1116, fax (619) 266 1116, email

About the Author
Donald Scott, MA, MSc, is a retired high school teacher and university professor. He is also a veteran of WWII and was awarded the North Atlantic Star, the Burma Star with Clasp, the 1939—1945 Volunteer Service Medal and the Victory Medal. He is currently President of The Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation devoted to research into neurosystemic degenerative diseases. He is also Adjunct Professor with the Institute for Molecular Medicine and he produces and edits the journal of Degenerative Diseases. He has extensively researched neurosystemic degenerative diseases over the past five years and has authored many documents on the relationship between degenerative diseases and a pathogenic mycoplasma called Mycoplasma fermentans. His research is based upon solid government evidence.

You may contact Donald Scott at: 190 Mountain St., Ste. 405, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3B 4G2. 705-670-0180.

Note: Dr. David Webster at Sudbury General Hospital, a wonderful person, with whom I have had conversations about these awful diseases can tell your doctor about the Blood Volume test.